Going to be changing up things to focus on my Uploaded Fairy webcomic, but this will extend well beyond the original novella, and including the terms "The War", "Perpetual War", and "Franco-Japanese Wars".
-- The War, is used to denote the general "War On Terror" that gradually built up steam to today.
-- Perpetual War, used to denote the long 20-21st centuries of American mainland history during the first and second cold wars.
-- Franco-Japanese War, a colonial war after American permanently spit into two nations: Japanese controlled territories, and French controlled territories, between 2019-2085. This is also sometimes also includes the Coup De Etat France performed against what remained of the US government prior to the colonial wars.
If in a story I say The War, generally that story is referring to the War on Terror. Because I will likely use all the plot lines from all my short stories and novellas, I may end up using all three terms, expanding on various characters, and so on.
I will also go into the conlang I'm working on later.